I was talking to a client recently regarding the need to capture labour hours and types of work accurately in the field. Ensuring correct remuneration is a hot topic in the news today.

It is interesting that we find that site diaries are one of the most heavily customised areas in IPM these days, with every client able to fulfil their own specific requirements. Tracking the utilisation of resources, passing information through to ERPs or Payroll Systems, and allocating those costs against projects is a fundamental aspect of a Construction/Project Management System, but there is so much more you can do!

This client had very specific hours sold and hours worked, productivity and efficiency KPIs, which were to be tracked daily. Fortunately, IPM allows administrators the flexibility to add or move fields and incorporate formulas. This enables IPM users to collect data in the field to track hours worked, hours sold or any other measure of labour sold, and generate KPIs for any discipline.

IPM administrators can create apps for mobile devices combining any aspect of the system, making it easy to collect relevant data in the field.